Watamote: The Most Mean and Cold Hearted Manga I've Ever Read.

Watamote has got to be one of the most heartless and mean fucking manga/anime I've ever read. A brief summary on Watamote, or "Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!" which translates to "No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!" or just simply, Watamote is what happens when you take a socially awkward girl (Tomoko Kuroki) and put her in the worst situations possible...and then try to make it funny. Throughout your time reading this manga, you'll either spend your time laughing at Tomoko embarrassing herself or feeling sorry at how much she's ignored and at times, made fun of. But at the same she does her fair share of idiotic things. For example: Going on a train in hopes of getting raped...I'm not joking.
Who would get upset about that?
But, as unsociable as I said Tomoko is, she does happen to have one friend. A girl named Yu Naruse who befriended her too long for her own good since middle school, but lives an obviously better life she does. So in conclusion, this series would either make you laugh at Tomoko's failure attempts at being popular, feel sorry for her because you can easily relate to your days in school, or both. Because social anxiety is funny, right? This manga does have a 12-episode anime as towards the on-going manga that currently has five volumes, so if you can only take this black hearted series for so long but still curious enough to want to check this series, go on Crunchyroll or whatever the fuck you want to go to in order to watch this series, unlike most people, I couldn't care less where you view this series.
