What had happened to Parodyguy778?

So, to answer any questions about what happened to my Parodyguy778 account let's tell a story about what happened. I was trying to change the email account that was associated with the Parodyguy778 and I did. Now, I don't know rather if I was just stupid or Youtube is being ran by fucking monkeys on dope, but the minute I change the email to a completely different email, I close the email that used to be with the Parodyguy778 account, thinking it wouldn't matter because I already switched emails. Turns out, it did matter because when I closed it, the channel was closed along with it. My question is: If I already switched the email to a different one, and close the one that used to with the account, how the hell does the account get closed with the original account? This also closed my original pschizophrenic blog as well. Oh, Youtube and ways of running things, oh well, thank god I keep this CutMyselfLaughing channel up for shit like this. I'll post some more videos and blogs in the future.
