This is Persona, my favorite RPG. Sexist much? |
Remember when video games were played for fun? Remember when we didn't have people like Anita Sarkeesian? Now, truth be told, I didn't know much about GamerGate and proceeded to do some research. GamerGate is apparently the "harassment" of Anita Sarkeesian and some other hipster bitch (Zoe Quinn). For any lucky sons of bitches reading this post and don't know who Anita Sarkeesian is, first off, I apologize for what you're about to read (and I rarely apologize for shit.). She's a "gaming critic" that got a shit load of money to do shit anybody with a pirated copy of Sony Vegas could do, she's been caught in lies, and exposed as not only a hypocrite but someone who isn't a gamer. She's known for her Feminist Frequency videos, where she complains about trivial and minor things about video games. Often misrepresenting them (probably on purpose) or in worst case, lying to her viewers. Of course, she received criticism for such -- now, you'd think that no one would take this chick seriously, and just ignore her until she fades into irrelevancy. Well, ding-dong, you're wrong! Ladies and Gentlemen, we live in a society where if you expose the bad guy, you
become the bad guy. Not only does Anita have supporters, but she has websites defending her. I'm looking at you, Kotaku! Keep in mind, that Anita has been caught in lies, caught in all sorts of hypocrisy, and has admitted to not even being fan of video games...after saying she
was a fan of video games. Can't even keep her lies consistent. Once again, we live in a society where if you expose the bad guy, you become the bad guy -- if you dare criticize Anita for her bullshit,
you're a misogynist, chauvinist, sexist, everything in the goddamn book. Listen, I'm not a misogynist, I'm a fucking misanthrope, get it right.
Anita in a nutshell. |
Why is Anita suddenly immune to criticism...oh, right, she's a
girl. You know, for people that don't want to be seen as weak, feminist sure do contradict this by always playing the victim card. As said in The Crow, "Victims, aren't we all?". Now, obviously this isn't me verbally curb stomping every female gamer. In fact, there are some female gamers that think Anita is full of shit just like I do. Fuck, even m00t, the guy that runs 4chan -- 4 fucking chan, supports this bitch. Going so far as to ban users that talk about this topic. Yes, the owner of the site that holds the infamous /b/ board, that should stand for the /b/owels of the internet supports this fucking leech of human being...this shit makes my fucking eye hurt.
This is what happens when I see bullshit. |
I can already see a bunch of feminists reading this post calling me a misogynist and shit for calling out someone who obviously doesn't know what the hell she's talking about. There's tons of videos online basically calling her out and exposing her for her lies and such. I guess, it's sexist to call out a lying cunt for being a lying cunt. Or maybe people have a fucked up view on what sexism is. Whatever, I just hope Anita Sarkeesian doesn't go anywhere near anime and manga, or worst -- tokusatsu. So, in a nutshell, Anita is a lying twat, and I'm gonna play some Persona.
Wow! What an eye opener this post has been for me. Very much appreciated, bookmarked, I can’t wait for more!
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