Well, after seeing a few videos on Youtube about this subject, I decided to give my opinion on what Nintendo's trying to do with this whole "Putting their ads on Let's plays and taking the revenue from it" scheme. See, I was working on my Youtube rant, God knows about my laziness and I actually plan on including this in my rant, but since that rant what about Youtube's bullshit and this is mostly on Nintendo rather than Youtube, I figured that this deserves it own rant. And I'm here to say that what Nintendo is doing is bullshit. Let's put it this way: You buy Nintendo's games, they already have your money. You go home, play it, and decide to do a let's play on it because you like it so much, you upload it to Youtube and decide to monetize it and gain money for it, Nintendo is pretty much taking that money from you. I guess it isn't enough to buy their games and consoles, they have to take your video and make money off of it. Some people will argue and say that it's their game, they made it, and have every right to do such a thing. Sure, they made it, but you fucking bought it! Once you buy the fucking game, it's yours, why should you not get money from what you want to do with your game? Nintendo already got their money when you paid for it, so why should they get more money? They're pretty much taking something you made and taking your revenue and putting it in their pockets. I feel that this is just Nintendo being greedy pricks, either that or they're really desperate for money because of their poor sales they're having, and if that's the case, maybe Nintendo should make games people actually want to play rather than doing dumb shit like this! So, in a nutshell: Nintendo is practically taking money from your content, which is free fucking advertisement for their shit and I don't like this idea of theirs.
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