SOPA: Them Motherfuckers Are Back!

SOPA, you fucking Hitlers. These motherfuckers are at it again, trying to water down whatever fucking freedom that this country is apparently home of. Well, it's a fucking lie! What SOPA wants to do is take anyone to jail if you do so much as watch a fucking video that has copyrighted shit on it. So in other words, you can't give your opinion on anything, you can't look up any reviews on anything, you can't listen to music, you can't watch someone play a fucking video game, you can't do a goddamn thing unless you want to get your fucking salad toss in prison. As if there's not enough freedom being fucking neutered and milked to point it's like As I Lay Dying, Nothing Left. But, to do some ignorant shit like this again? Who the fuck is running the fucking white house? So much for America: Home of the Goddamn Free! But it ain't just America that's going to be taking it in the rectum, SOPA's going to be like Daft Punk and go Around Da World with this shit! The motherfuckers that made this act should be fucking 5150' fuck that, they should be lobotomized and put into a vegetated state of mind for the rest of their life, so that they're no longer a threat to mankind. This fucking post is going and should posted every-fucking-where! This is going to tumblr, shared on Youtube, fucking everywhere! You motherfuckers need share this post, watch every fucking video regarding this subject on Youtube while it's still up, and most of all, sign the petition and SPEAK THE FUCK UP! I signed it and so should you.

