The Killing Joke Animated Movie | Remember Who The Joker Is.

In case no one's heard the news, Batman: The Killing Joke, one of the most influential Batman stories throughout the history of comics, is getting an animated film. Now, like everyone else who's a fan of the graphic novel I'd be doing backflips and cartwheels and splits and all that shit, but already there's a bunch of gristle lickers that want to tone down the violence because Barbra Gordon or Batgirl gets shot in the spine and paralyzed and a bunch of feminists want to cry out sexism and misogyny like they know what those words mean. I'm excited for this movie, but at the time, they better not water down and dilute the fuck out of it. I mean, look at the Batgirl variant cover where a bunch of feminists who probably don't even READ comics (Hell, they probably don't read in general.) complained about how the cover was "offensive" and "promoting rape" and then it got dropped like a bad habit. Heed the title of this post and remember who The Joker is -- this the same guy that beat Jason Todd nearly to death and collapsed a building on top of him, but no one says a word, that fell on deaf ears. This is the same guy that bitchslaps Harley Quinn around, punches her in the fucking face, and treats like shit, and not a person uttered a word. In the New 52 "Death of the Family" story arc, he cuts off his face and wears it like mask while he targets members of the bat-family one by one.

Does this look like a hero to you?
He's suppose to be the VILLAIN, the bad guy, The Joker is suppose to be a sick fuck, a deranged lunatic, a maniac, anything you could possibly say that refers to him being a freaking psycho that's him. You know the D&D alignment Chaotic Evil? Joker is the fucking poster child for the alignment, why else would you go on any site that talks about the D&D alignment chart and see that The Joker is a prime example of Chaotic Evil? Looking past the Joker's crazy antics, what about the other fucked up shit that goes around the DC universe? Like Talia Al Ghul drugging and raping Batman to give birth to Damian Wayne? Or when Nightwing was raped by that Tarantula chick during his pre-New 52 run? ...And no even the smallest outcry was verbalized. How about when (New 52) Lobo got raped? Still nothing? To conclude all this, I hope that The Killing Joke animated film is as good as the graphic novel without any sort of censorship whatsoever. Once again, heed the title of this post and remember who The Joker is. DC, pay attention to those putting money in your wallet, supporting your company, and buying and reading comics that you put out instead of these radical, left-wing, politically correct feminists that want to censor something because they don't like it and are easily triggered like Batgirl is easy to take a bullet to the spine.
