Donald Trump - Media vs. Truth | Who's Really Hitler?

I'm going to admit something to you people -- as my political views have developed over the years, all lot of them are gearing towards the right wing side. And no, I'm not some bible thumping, god fearing person (not yet, probably)...though ironically, I do have a few Catholic bibles on my computer (don't ask why). Speaking of which, being religious seems to be taboo these days. It's almost like being an Atheist is cool and trendy nowadays. I digress. So, ever since Trump announced he was running for president, I've heard nothing but ridicule and disdain and malice for Trump from everyone. From TV hosts to celebrities to actors to musicians, some of which I even like -- and I said to myself, "Wow, he really must be that bad." That is, until I actually watched his speeches and press conferences and realized what I'm hearing from Trump's speeches doesn't quite add up to what I'm hearing from the media. For one, all the prattle about Donald Trump being a racist over his stance on immigration -- which tells me people didn't listen and/or regurgitating the same thing that every liberal, every tumblr user, and every talking head in the mainstream media has said. Here, this is what Trump said about immigration:

“As has been stated continuously in the press, people are pouring across our borders unabated. Public reports routinely state great amounts of crime are being committed by illegal immigrants. This must be stopped and it must be stopped now.” -Donald Trump.

Here's what the liberals heard:

As has been stated continuously in the press, people are pouring across our borders unabated. Public reports routinely state great amounts of crime are being committed by illegal immigrants. This must be stopped and it must be stopped now.” -Donald Trump

...This is what happens when we're politically correct. And when I see people compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, most of which are voting for Hillary "Criminal" Clinton or voted for Bernie "Too Old To Be In The Goddamn Office" Sanders. This proves that leftists wouldn't know history if you threw the US History textbook at their heads.

Though Democrat might be a better term.
Because if they knew anything about Adolf Hitler, they'd knew that Hitler was a socialist democrat. Plus, keep in mind that Nazi is short for Nazi Socialist Party. If you look at the article that I linked, a lot of the democrats' political ideals match up or at the very least are similar to what Hitler did to Germany back when he was in power. Case in point, Hitler took guns away from the Jews. Now, that's not to say that's on par with Democrats pushing for gun regulation because at the very least the German citizens were allowed guns...whereas the Democrats are pushing for gun regulation on their OWN CITIZENS. But, remember, the media wants you to believe that Trump's just as bad or worse than Hitler, someone who wants people to keep their guns, someone who'd rather look the mental state than the murder weapon. And for all you feminists out there complaining about rape -- don't you know how many rapes and sexual assaults would be prevented if women carried more firearms? I guarantee, if women started packing heat, rapists would think twice before taking advantage of another woman. But, majority of feminists believe in this gun control shit, which proves they'd bitch about rape than actually do something about it. Not to mention, most of these shootings tend to happen in gun free zones.

I'm going to take this opportunity to tell you guys about a book I just started reading by Roger Stone, "The Clintons' War on Women" it's called. All I'm going to say is that if you're planning on voting for Hillary Clinton, this book will change your mind. And if that isn't enough, take a look at those DNC email leaks and how the DNC rigged the primaries for her, (that even Trump himself called out on) but you won't hear anyone in the media talk about that, they're too busy talking about how "racist" Donald Trump is. It's funny how Trump was never called racist until he announced that he's running for president. You know what else is funny? Demo(n)crats started the Ku Klux Klan...because the Republicans freed the slaves. Again, you won't hear this in the mainstream media, you won't hear Stephen Colbert talk about this topic, you won't hear this from most of the easily lead celebrities that spew out the same liberal garbage as the next will, you definitely won't hear anyone talk about how much of a liar Hillary Clinton is. But, it's awfully funny to hear that some democrats, some of the Bernie Sanders supporters (probably more now that he's endorsing Hillary Clinton), Caitlyn Jenner, and even Obama's half brother are all voting for Trump.
