Trumps Wins, Liberals Whine | Paid Agitators and #NotMyPresident.

The Motherfucking President
In case, you've been living under a goddamn rock, Donald Trump has been elected as president of the United States, and what I love about this (besides that Trump's the president) is that all the liberals, SJW's, and all these celebrities are bitching, moaning, and literally crying over this. Yeah, crying because they can't have their corrupt, lying, murderous, and rape enabling female president sitting in the white house to fuck up this country even more than it already is. I mean, if you've been on social media they are three different reactions to the elections. Those who are outraged because they're now eating their words, those who are too pussy-whipped to even speak, and those that just can't accept the fact that they lost with their stupid Not My President hashtag. I mean, look at Rose McGowan -- the bitch is blaming, of course, misogyny on why Crooked Hillary lost. Completely negating the fact she's corrupt and even tries to say that Hillary had nothing but negative coverage in the media.

Coward Colbert
I don't know if she's delusional or retarded...or both. Either way, it's not healthy. The mainstream media was nothing but bias towards Trump -- just look at Coward Colbert and the rest the unfunny hacks on these talk shows. They can make fun of Trump, hell, even make fun of Bernie Sanders, but Hillary? Oh, no. Plus, there's way more dirt on Hillary, but no one even bats an eye to it. Thank the mother of god, Virgin Mary, that only 8 percent of people in America exactly believe these people, and that hacks like Coward Colbert are suffering from low ratings.

Moving away from cowards in the media and into the #NotMyPresident dilemma -- do you see how many people are trying to protest Trump now that he's elected? Aside from liberals literally crying themselves to sleep about the election, we even got that half man, half woman, mutant thing Lady Gaga and a bunch of other people trying to protest Trump, even in front of his own goddamn building. You know, a part of me wants to shake my head at all these people and hope that they get violent just so the cops have a reason to break their batons against their heads. But, another part of me just wants to ignore it, because these people are PAID to do this shit. Don't believe me? Look up Project Veritas, and I shit you not, there was a fucking Craigslist ad (which was just deleted as I type this and I don't blame them) calling for people to stir up trouble at a Trump rally. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

In a response to this frivolous activity, I suggest to Trump supporters to completely gloat over Trump's victory, completely mock and belittle these people as they did during the campaign. Give them a taste of their own medicine. Bring up Wikileaks, the scandals, Roger Stone's "The Clinton's War on Women" book, call out these pussy-whipped celebrities and these mainstream media hacks. I know I have, just go to my tumblr. As I mentioned before, some of these Clinton supporters that were more vocal about their strong dislike towards Trump are now silent. I mean, they went from "#DonaldDrumpf" to "#DumpTrump" to "#NeverTrump" to complete and utter silence. And obviously, we'd have a louder voice because there's more of us than there are of them. 

And these celebrities that claimed that they're moving to fucking Canada if Trump wins haven't even moved yet. And if they are, who the fuck cares? You're entertainers, I throw money at your feet and you dance for me. I care not for your opinions on politics, so shut up and dance, sing, or act or whatever. Half the time you can't even do that right.
